Matthew 18:3

Jesus of Nazareth once said, "In order to have a share in the Kingdom of Heaven, one must turn away from their sins and become like a child." Why "a child"? I wonder if it is because many adults allow themselves to get caught up in the worries of this world. What My Children Taught Me echoes Jesus' challenge: Don't let your heart be fettered by the troubles of this life; become like a child!

13 February 2012

With a Servant's Heart

Dinners in my house are typically an event unto themselves. We gather around the table, share about our days, and talk about anything that pops up in our minds. As we were sitting together the other night, eating some of my wife's delicious food, my 3 year old, Eden, says, "Daddy, I'm going to cut this chicken with a servant's heart, ok!" She wasn't really asking me for permission. She was informing me of her intentions. Her comment not only made me smile, it also made me pause to consider--What else can one do with a servant's heart? Are there other "menial" tasks that have been overlooked? How about taking out the trash, doing the laundry, washing the car, filling up a tank of gas, tying shoes, etc.? The list could go on.

My daughter taught me that a person doesn't just have a servant's heart at the moment he or she serves another human being. That same person can carry that heart with him or her wherever they go and when the opportunity arises to serve, it happens naturally because that person is a servant deep down. I read a line by Tedd Tripp the other day that fits here, "We are human beings directed by the orientation of our hearts." What a wonderful thought. Maybe that is what Jesus meant when he said, "Walk in my footsteps." Perhaps he was challenging us in the same way Eden challenged me--live life each day with a servant's heart no matter what you do.