Matthew 18:3

Jesus of Nazareth once said, "In order to have a share in the Kingdom of Heaven, one must turn away from their sins and become like a child." Why "a child"? I wonder if it is because many adults allow themselves to get caught up in the worries of this world. What My Children Taught Me echoes Jesus' challenge: Don't let your heart be fettered by the troubles of this life; become like a child!

16 February 2013

What Do Riddles, Dunk Contests, and Cerebral Palsy Have in Common?

My children and I love to play guessing games, and "Solve My Riddle" is one of our favorites. It's a fun game that gets our minds stirred up. Typically, we choose things like animals and give each other three clues in which to guess the answer. "Solve my riddle...what has stripes, looks like a horse, and lions like to eat it?" You get the idea.

I was thinking about this game tonight after reading an article about an ordained minister in Hurst, Texas, Susan Slade, who has cerebral palsy. Ironically, I read the article right after watching the NBA dunk contest. Here are dozens of grown men living it up at All Star Weekend in Houston, dunking basketballs with ease while jumping over random objects and people. All the while, thousands of fans watch from the stands, in awe of not just the physical talents of some of America's best athletes but also of the privileged lifestyles many of them get to lead. At the same time, not more than four hours north of Houston, lies (literally) Susan Slade on a bed in the home of her great grandmother. She types out sermon notes and encouraging e-mails with the only two moving parts on her entire body--the thumb and forefinger on her right hand. The ironic juxtaposition couldn't be ignored.

Whether you're LeBron James or Susan Slade, every person lives their short earthly lives with a burning question. It's birthed as a whisper. As we get older, if we don't find an answer to this question, it will perpetually pull at the corner of our minds. Eventually, it builds into a steady drone. And finally, the closer we come to death, the more it crescendos into a cacophony, until those who have left it unanswered can no longer do so. What is the purpose of your life?

The beautifully-written Susan Slade article went on to illustrate that despite her condition, Susan has found a deep purpose in living her life focused on others. Her godly eternal perspective (i.e. faith) is what fuels her whole existence. And then I thought of a great riddle...

What can never be taken by force or ever forced on another person?

Susan Slade has the answers to both my riddle and this burning question we all share. It resides deep within her heart and is released every day as she blesses others through her unselfishness, joy, peace, patience, kindness, and love.

Here's the article link if you're interested:

And here's a link to a not-as-impressive-but-still-jaw-dropping list of best dunk contest dunks (according to Sports Illustrated):

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